* How You Can Make $2k To $5k Per Day Without Having To Create or Sell The Products Yourself...

* How You Can Make $2k To $5k Per Day Without Having To Create or Sell The Products Yourself...

(Even If You Don't Have Experience, Tech Skills, or Your Own Audience!)

(Even If You Don't Have Experience, 
Tech Skills, or Your Own Audience!)

Serdjim Veli HERE...

Serdjim Veli HERE...

Who am I? Just an ex-retired (job goes here), who discovered the formula for making lots of money on the Internet. After investing thousands of dollars and trying just about everything to make money online - I stumbled across the exact same system you're about to get access to.

This page tells the story of my business partner, Zach, how he got started and became an internet millionaire and how you can partner with us to become one of the next Internet Millionaires.

This is Zach, my 'partner in crime'...

This is Zach, my 'partner in crime'...

Zach is just an ex-postal worker, who started out with $50,000 in debt from a drunk driver hitting him at 19 years old.

He started his business in 2012 in order to find a solution to pay off all of his credit cards and medical bills and he wanted to provide his family with better options in life.
Zach is going to teach you the exact strategy he used to become an internet millionaire in just 18 months.
He is now on a mission to give back and create new success stories.
Below is the story of how he created the system, what happened, and how you can become one of the 100 millionaires we're creating through Zach's brand-new challenge.

Meet Sebastian From Costa Rica... 

Meet Sebastian From Costa Rica... 

He Was Able To Become A Seven-Figure Earner By Leveraging Sales Funnels And  Selling High Ticket Products 

He Was Able To Become A Seven-Figure Earner By Leveraging Sales Funnels And  Selling High Ticket Products 

Sebastian was one of my very first students testing my methods before I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of my time perfecting what I now teach my students.

He came to me when he was just 16 years old, applied just a few of the methods I taught him and he made his first high ticket sales.

Just a few years later he made his first million online.

At that point, he reached out to me because he needed some help because he was feeling stuck in his business and he was looking for some guidance on how to take things to the next level.
Now you might be wondering why he came to me for help if he already made $1 million...
You see, just because you can make a lot of money doesn't mean you don't get stuck from time to time and hit ruts at different levels.
What gets you to your first $10,000 per month will not get your first $100,000 a year.
What gets you to $100,000 a year will not get you to $1 million.

Make sense?

That is why Sebastian wanted my help because he knew to get to the next level of his business he would need to restructure things more strategically to reach his goal.
So we met up in person and I helped him formulate a plan to create his sales funnel and how to strategically sell high ticket products...

About 6 months later I got another message from Sebastian letting me know that he was going to make his first $1 million in a year.

And 6 months later I got another message from Sebastian telling me he just paid for his 4th investment property in cash from the money he earned following the plan I laid out for him.

Imagine Being Able To Build A Six or Seven-Figure Business And Be Able To Consistently Bring In Reliable Income Month After Month 

Imagine Being Able To Build A Six or Seven-Figure Business And Be Able To Consistently Bring In Reliable Income Month After Month 

Regarless if you're working

 Or spending time doing what 

Regarless if you're working or spending time doing what 

 you want like sebastian...

 you want like sebastian...

How Would That Feel?

Pretty good, right?

Pretty good, right?

But there is one BIG problem...

99% of people reading this right now WILL NEVER accomplish this.
Not because they're not smart enough or not capable, but because they're making a few huge mistakes they may not be aware of...

The 4 Huge Mistakes That Prevent You

The 4 Huge Mistakes That Prevent You

From Making A 6 To 7-Figure Income:

From Making A 6 
To 7-Figure Income:

 MISTAKE #1 - They think the answer is to sell lots of small-ticket products because it will be easier.

For over a decade Internet Marketing was always taught based on selling low cost products and building 'passive income' so you can spend all of your time traveling the world and making money while you sleep.
Passive income may have been real a few years ago, but times have changed. With new opportunities and products launching every day, people are confused, frustrated and don't know who to trust with their money.
As fast as you acquire new customers, you lose them to the newest and hottest 'shiny object'. This means it's become virtually impossible to make a living by selling low cost products on the Internet.
So to really help you understand how important this is let me take you back to when I first got started online in 2012 and I followed the dream of selling low ticket products and making passive income.
When I first started in this industry my goal was to make $10,000 a month like most people I speak with.
To me, that was life-changing money that would allow me to pay my bills and give my family a better life.
After months of busting my butt, my best month ever I generated $5000.
Now $5000 is decent money, but I could do that working a job. With the cost of living increasing every single year this was not going to cut it!
My income was very inconsistent and I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong.
Not only was I frustrated, but I was overworked and burned out. I was making money online, but it was more work than my old job and I was barely able to pay my bills.
I hired a mentor to help me figure out what the heck I was doing wrong.
I knew if I wanted to become a millionaire I needed to learn from someone who had already achieved the results I wanted, not just some random person on the internet talking theory of what is possible.

What I discovered is that 

What I discovered is that 

I was working 100X harder than I should be.

I was working 100X harder than I should be.

The major mindset shift he taught me was that it's 10X easier to sell high-ticket products and services to your customers who want and can afford them than to sell thousands of low-ticket products.
At first this was a bit hard for me to believe because I didn't grow up rich and I hadn't made a lot of money online yet, but then I realized there is an audience for cheap products and premium products.
You have customers who buy a PC because it's the best bang for your buck and you also have millions of customers who buy Apple products which are double the price.
You have customers who buy a $50 watch and you have customers who buy Rolex.
You have customers who buy an average priced house and you have customers who buy a million dollar home.
Would you rather cater to the masses or cater to the one customer that will make you more money than hundreds of people buying the low ticket products?

Let me give 
you an example...

Let me give you an example...

  • ​If you wanted to make $10,000 a month you can do things the easy way or the hard way.

  • If you sell a product that will make you a $50 commission you need 200 people to purchase the product to make $10,000 in a month.

  • If you sell a product that will make you a $100 commission you need 100 people to purchase the product.

This may seem simple, but I can tell you from experience it's a lot harder than it looks and it's nearly impossible for a beginner to do this every single month consistently.
When I switched to selling high-ticket products like my mentor taught me my income went from $3000-$5000 a month to $50,000 - $75,000 a month in just a few short months.
As you can see here... these were payouts I was receiving every two weeks.
And if you're wondering who 'Guy Crawford' is he's my business partner.
From that moment forward I focused 100% of my efforts on selling high-ticket products and services to my customers and I made $500,000 + my first year implementing what my mentor taught me.
This is why when I created my own high-ticket partner program I made it so my affiliates could make BIG commissions of $2000, $3000, and $5000.
Look at the difference compared to selling low-ticket products:
If you referred people with your unique link I give you and you made a $2,000 commission this is what it would look like.
If you referred people with your unique link I give you and you made a $3000 commission this is what it would look like.
If you referred people with your unique link I give you and you made a $5000 commission this is what it would look like.

See how much easier that is to get 

See how much easier that is to get Just A Few People A Month Compared To 100-200 People?

 just a few people a month 

 compared to 100-200 people?

When you're consistently generating leads and following the system I've laid out for you then you will see a combination of $2000, $3000 and $5000 commissions being deposited into your bank account while my team does all the hard work for you.
Every customer has individual needs and that is why you need to have a product line to serve each customer based on where they're currently at in their journey and the results they want to achieve.
When you're selling low ticket products or you only have one product to offer your customer it's costing you a lot of potential income you could be making.
MISTAKE #2 - They don't have a high converting sales funnel.
Most affiliates only make a handful of sales because they're not using sales funnels and building their email list.
All 7 and 8-Figure earners use sales funnels because it helps pre-educate your customer on how the products can help them and automates the selling process instead of you having to talk to every single person 1 on 1.
A small portion of people who go through your initial sales funnel will make a purchase right away, but if you consistently follow up with your leads on your email list it becomes the right time for someone to buy from your email list every single day.
Most amateur affiliates who make very little money just use their social media profiles and link to their offer to buy or have 1 on 1 chat's with their leads and this is costing them a lot of money.
These methods work, but it's not scalable and your income will be very inconsistent each month.

95% of people who come across your marketing

95% of people who come across your marketing

will NOT buy right away

will NOT buy right away

When you have a high converting sales funnel you get the customers that are ready to buy right now to make a purchase, but you can follow up with the other 95% forever.

I've literally paid for $75,000 tax bills by just sending an email to my list with an offer.
So if you don't have a high converting sales funnel to convert your leads into customers and you're not building an email list you're literally burning money that could be deposited into your bank account.
Most of your sales will not happen from someone just seeing the product one time.
So if you're just linking to the product from your social profiles or chatting with someone only once how much money are you costing yourself?
The person will need to be exposed to the product you're selling on average 7 times before they're going to be willing to do business with you.
This is why you absolutely have to have a high converting sales funnel, build your email list, and consistently follow up with your potential customers if you want to become a 7-Figure earner.

A Sales Funnel 

A sales funnel 

Consists Of A
Few Key Pieces

Consists Of A Few Key Pieces

  • ​A lead capture page - This page is used to captures the visitor's email in exchange for free information or free gift the visitor values 

  • ​A thank you page - This page is used to welcome your new subscriber. You can offer something for sale or guide them to your social media profiles.

  • ​​Sales page - This page is used to sell the product or guide someone to book a call in your sales funnel.

  • ​Email follow-up series - These are the emails that automatically go out over 30 + days to bring people back to your sales page.

When you have a sales funnel in place it will do all the hard work and selling for you 24/7/365. It's like having a robot that works around the clock making you money.
Now this brings me to the next piece of the puzzle that most people are missing.
MISTAKE #3 - No backend sales process.
The next thing they're missing to make $10k + a month is a proven backend sales process in their business.
If you want people to purchase Hich Ticket products and services the best way to accomplish this is with a one-to-one conversation on the phone.
Every customer has individual needs, wants, desires, and objections that are holding them back from making a purchase. 

This is why the phone is an absolute must when selling high-ticket products!
You can either do phone sales yourself to get your customers to buy the bigger priced products and services or you can partner with me and leverage my expert phone sales team when you join my "Millionaires Challenge System".
All you have to do is focus on generating leads from quality traffic sources into the done for you sales funnels and my phone sales team goes to work for you closing your leads on our different products and services and you make $2000, $3000, and $5000 commissions.
This brings me to the next mistake people make...
MISTAKE #4 - Not using quality traffic sources.
I love Internet Marketing and it's an amazing business that can change your life, but if you follow the wrong people they will lead you down the wrong path and leave you bankrupt.
When people come online they usually end up following marketers who use lots of hype and make unrealistic promises.
One of those promises is that they have the magic source of "buyer traffic" which conveniently they will sell you solo ad's. (Email List Traffic).
These types of leads get hammered with offer after offer every single day and this is why if you do a simple google search you will see people losing thousands of dollars buying solo ads.
If you want to get people to purchase your products you need to get laser-targeted leads from premium traffic sources like Google, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
Most people make the mistake of getting traffic from low-quality sources like solo ad's and this is the very reason they're left frustrated and wondering what they're doing wrong.

You Are Still Screwed And Here's Why

I just covered the 4 big mistakes I see beginners struggle with and what you need in place to build a 6 or 7-Figure business online
The big problem is learning how to execute one of these systems is nearly impossible for a beginner with very little business experience.
When you learn why, it's easy to realize why only a small percent ever succeed and build wildly profitable businesses.

Here's why...

  • ​You need high ticket products you can sell for $1000 to $10,000 or more: This is not something a beginner can do. 

No one is going to invest $1000 + in a product you created if you have no proof you've achieved what you're claiming or you have no students that have achieved similar results as you.
This is why I never created my own products until I made my first million dollars online.

  • ​You need a high converting sales funnel: Anyone can create a funnel it's just pages and with a $97 a month software anyone can drag and drop pages together to make a beautiful sales funnel.

However it takes years of practice to master the skill of creating high converting sales funnels that turn cold leads into red hot paying customers. 
I've invested $200,000 + to learn from the best direct response marketers in the business and 10 years of my time to learn how to create irresistible offers people can't resist and want to purchase.

  • ​You need a high converting sales page and email follow up campaigns: If you want to turn cold leads who don't know you into paying customers you also need to master the skill of writing persuasive sales copy that can convert at least 3% of your leads into instant sales.

  • ​You need a team of trained sales experts: The only way to get your potential customers to buy high ticket products is to have a 1 to 1 conversation over the phone. 

To be able to scale to 7-Figures you will not be able to do this alone. You have to build a team of experienced phone sales coaches to close your sales for you over the phone.

There are also things like:

  • ​A Great Programmer: This will normally run you about $200 per hour and can add up to $25,000 or more just to build everything for you.

  • ​Customer Support Team: Unless you want to answer everyones questions, support tickets, and help each customer individually yourself you need to hire employees to help you. 

  • ​Merchant Accounts: You need to know where to find them, how to apply for them and how to use them to process payments.

If you think running a business on PayPal or Stripe is going to work good luck my friend. People get shut down on PayPal and Stripe every single day.
I've personally got $50,000 locked in PayPal for 6 months and they would not release my funds.
To get approved for high level merchants you will need a business license, at least $100,000 in your business bank account and business history to show you're a legit business.

  • ​Credibility: This is the biggest factor of them all. You can't get credibility until you're already making money - and you can't make big money without credibility.

So Where Does This Leave The Little Guy?

So Where Does This Leave The Little Guy?

Before there were only two options:

  • ​Spend 1-2 years learning, six months setting everything up, 2-3 years selling other people's stuff for tiny commissions, until you have the credibility, time, freedom, and money to do it right.

  • ​Work a crappy job, and wait until you're 65 to live a broke, poor existence. (The traditional choice)

After seeing so many people getting screwed from investing in the wrong programs and mentors, struggling to make real money, I was on a quest to find a solution that would work for the average person who wanted to start a successful business.
For years I was a super affiliate and I would go into program after program scaling them to six-figures and beyond in record time, but none of them offered what I was looking for to help my students.
I started to become frustrated and I even debated on giving up, because if I couldn't help others make money I didn't want to make money myself.
I debated on creating a system of my own, but I knew it would cost me at least $100,000 + and it seemed like an insane amount of work.
For the next 5-7 years I worked with many students privately and helped them scale their businesses to six and seven-figure incomes behind the scenes while I was working on my own businesses and developing my products and services.
After all that time I just never found what I was looking for and I still had this strong desire to help more of my students create six and seven-figure businesses and get to experience the type of lifestyle I've enjoyed for years.
I finally decided to create my own partner program and let my students leverage everything I spent 10 years and $200,000 + of my own money creating.

The Biggest Opportunity Of 2022

The Biggest Opportunity Of 2022

Right now we're at a point in time where fear and uncertainty is at an all time high.
Covid completely changed everyones life all around the world.
Millions of people left without jobs, prices of goods and living are dramatically increasing and the next recession is right around the corner.
Which leaves you with a massive opportunity and the ability to become a 6 or 7-Figure earner in the next 1 to 2 years.
During recessions more millionaires are created in record breaking time than any time in history because they're smart enough to capitalize on opportunities when they're presented with them.
Millions of people are now searching the internet for opportunities to create a new income source, make extra money and grow their wealth.
All you need to do is ride the wave by providing them with the solutions to their problems.

You have two 
options to do this:

You have two options to do this:

  • ​You can create everything yourself if you have the money, expertise, credibility and resources.

  • ​You can partner with a millionaire who has already created everything for you.

That is exactly what I'm offering you right now... A Shortcut!
You see my 7-Figure students like Sebastian had to do things the hard way by themselves.
They had to learn my system, create everything themselves, make mistakes, tweak the process and get little bit better over time.
What i'm offering you right now is 10X better.
I'm offering you the ability to partner with me and leverage everything I've spent 10 years of my time and $200,000 + of my own money learning and perfecting to fast track your results.

Would You Like To Be One Of My

Would You Like To Be One Of My

Next 6 or 7-Figure Students?

Next 6 or 7-Figure Students?

If you would like to fast-track your success and leverage everything I've spent 10 years and $200,000 + to build I would like to invite you to partner with me in my brand new coaching program the "Millionaires Challenge System".
I'm on a mission to create 100 Millionaires and 1000 Six-Figure earners by Jan 2025 and I'm going to set you up with everything you need to build a successful business.
Here's what you will get:

  • ​Have the ability to make $2000, $3000, and $5000 commissions per sale.

  • ​Have a dedicated phone team closing high-ticket commissions for you 24/7/365.

  • ​Leverage my exact sales funnel co-branded with you to give you instant credibility.

  • ​​I will teach you how to drive laser-targeted leads into your sales funnels with the best free and paid advertising methods.

  • ​You will be coached by a 7-Figure earner, held accountable to get results, and have all the support and guidance you need.

  • ​a​nd much more...

Learn how you can partner with me and become my next 6 or 7-figure student by clicking the button below!

Take A Look At What You Can Achieve
When You Partner With Me Today:

Take A Look At What You Can Achieve When You Partner With Me Today:

And this year alone he will make over $1 million with the funnel I helped him design.
 After working with me and implementing my methods she's now a full time marketer and has made over $500,000 + online.
After purchasing my course and going through my training he applied what he learned from me to create a $30,000 a month income by taking his business online. Fred's made as much as $70,000 in one month 
with his business.
After purchasing my course and going through my training he applied what he learned from me to create a $30,000 a month income by taking his business online. Fred's made as much as $70,000 in one month 
with his business.
He’s now crossed $10,000 per month recurring income.
He has since gone on to generate over seven figures online.
He now is a multiple six figure earner online.
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